Turbine Works Ltd., Karlovac is developing Non Destructive Testing (NDT) as part of machines and equipment maintenance service. Machines and equipment are daily exposed to stress that can cause wear, fatigue and mechanical damage of the parts. In most cases, such damage does not occur momentarily but is a lasting process. NDT is irreplaceable part of machine and equipment diagnostic because it is possible to determine the state of the parts and act in preventive manner to avoid critical defect.
In our daily work we use basic NDT methods and techniques, as well as specific techniques developed for particular parts:
- VT – Visual inspection
- PT – penetrant control
- MT – control of magnetic particles
- UT – ultrasonic testing
Application of each method depend on the plethora of influential factors. Our experience in working with rotating machines enables us to apply the appropriate methods in a proper way and achieve optimal testing results.
All the tests are conducted in accordance with written procedures. Writter procedures are made based on customer requirments and international standards. A person conducting the tests is trained and certified according to EN 473 requirments.
Each test is followed by a written report which remains as a lasting record of the part condition. This allows future follow ups and part condition monitoring.
Several usual types of objects from our practice:
- testing of steam turbine parts
- testing of compressor parts
- testing of welds in metal constructions
- testing of slide bearings
- testing benches
VT control blades
VT control blades
VT control inside QDV by using endoscope
PPT control slide bearing
MT control casing
Measurement of residual magnetism before / after the process of
Control rotor bearing journal